An Easy Cash Advance Loans

At times taking as less as a couple of hours, a tough phase can be adequately served by an easy cash advance. Online Cash Loanz via the Easy Cash Advance, has been catering to people in need and helping fill the gaps between the day when one needs money and the day when they’re scheduled for the next pay from work or investments.

Uses of Cash Advances

People use simple cash loans like Easy Cash Advances for a variety of purposes. By policy, we do not mandate explaining a purpose for the borrowed money but surveys and other data reveals that cash advances from direct lenders are used for purposes like:
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Sudden Medical Expenses: Certain medical expenses can be beyond what your insurance may cover. At such times, when savings are unable to pay for the expense, a simple cash loan can make up until the time that the next payday takes.
Cash Advance Online
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Vehicle Repair Bills: Immediate cash advances are very ideal when you need that extra help to get your vehicle running again after a breakdown! Americans prefer traveling in their own vehicles and delaying a repair or using cabs instead can easily turn out to be more expensive than an online cash advance.
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Groceries: Sometimes a party is around the corner or for some other reasons, there’s a little cash crunch for the supplies you wish to pick up from the grocery store. Within a matter of a few hours, you can solve the problem applying for a cash advance.
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Utility Bills and Service Restorations: People take cash advances for clearing bills before penalties pile up. Also, having not paid for a few months or having disconnected a service for a while, the restoration process could get more expensive than one’s savings could suffice for. If you wish not to wait for saving up till the restoration expenses can be covered, an Easy Cash Advance could help.
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Sudden Travel Expenses: Be it a family occasion or a sudden work, an online cash advance can fill in for the time that it takes to get the funds to cover the expense.

Immediate Cash Advances of up to $2500

Online Cash Loanz is one of the first services to cross $1000 as the Cash Advance loan limit. Our customers can enjoy any amount between $100 and $2500, completely processed online with immediate approvals and the entire process completes in a matter of just a few hours. First time borrowers can apply for up to $500 for an immediate cash advance while repeat customers with a good history of payback can apply for loans up to $2500.

How is an Online Cash Advance different from a Credit Card Cash Advance?

Credit Cards offer cash advances too, but the concept and working are fairly different. A Credit Card cash advance can be taken using your Credit Card at an ATM. However, one must be aware that Credit Cards run on a compound interest scheme of repayments and should you not be fully settling all the outstanding charges, the interest amount shall keep compounding until you it’s finally settled. The online Cash Advance however features the simple interest scheme. Another difference is that acquiring a Credit Card Cash Advance shall be affect the remaining credit limit on your card, making further spending difficult. Moreover, the amount of cash you can withdraw is usually a small percentage of your credit limit (typical 10 to 25%) and hence the amount you can access, would usually be quite limited.

What do I need, while applying for a Cash Advance?

The requirements for a cash advance are simpler than most other loan requirements. To obtain the cash advance, you need to:
  • be 18 years of age or more
  • provide 2 proofs of identity issues by the US Government, like driver’s license, social security card, passport, etc.
  • provide U.S. checking or savings account details
  • share proof of employment (part-time or full-time) or another verifiable, legal source of stable income, such as alimony payments, welfare payments, etc. These must be provided for the last 3 months
Lenders can have added stipulations above the ones mentioned above.

Do Cash Advances get Instant Approval Online?

Yes, our cash advances have instant approvals online. What this means is that as soon as you provide us a form with complete details and documentation that is clear and easy to verify, the direct lenders receive the details and provided this is done during business hours, we have trusted lenders who benefit from their reputation and history of getting to task without a delay. They just need to conduct a small check and verification of certain parts of the provided details and documents, after which your Cash Advance is approved provided everything is alright. Else, you are contacted for further information/clarity.

What are Direct Deposit Cash Advance Loans?

Our Cash Advances are in fact Direct Deposit Cash Advance Loans and they can be procured completely online. The process requires your application to be complete and submitted and once verified, subject to your eligibility as ascertained by the lender, you shall receive a contract. One you agree and submit the contract (electronically/online) within a matter of a few hours (max. 1 business day), the amount is credited as a direct deposit to your checking/savings account.

Can I get a Cash Advance till Payday?

Provided the next payday is within 14 days, the cash advance can be taken for a repay on your next payday. If it is further away, our lenders could still help you and you can feel free to contact us if you need to.

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Cash Advance with Bad Credit: The quick Cash Advance loans are available to you irrespective of your credit performance. Our extensive and meticulous database of trusted direct lenders includes many who work with people having a poor credit score. This is made available as these lenders have their own mechanism for estimating your eligibility considering your income and its stability.
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Private and Secure: At Online Cash Loanz, we take cyber-security seriously and when you apply for a loan sharing your personal data, we keep it safe and secure, using it only for the intended purposes. Further, this data is stored/transmitted over industry-leading 256-bit encryption and you can rest assured that your information is not being sold for adverts or given out to any entity without your consent.
Would like to apply for the Cash Advance?
Your easy cash advance is just a few steps away. If you’ve read through the above text and have understood that the simple cash advance from Online Cash Loanz is the right boost to your finances that you currently need, all you need to do is fill our brief application form and submit it to get the process in action.