Loan Application


Please Tell Us About Yourself
*First Name
*Last Name
*Confirm E-Mail
*Date of Birth
*Home Phone
*Cell Phone
*Confirm SSN#

*Suite/Apt #
*How Long at this Address?
*License #
*Drivers License State
*Are you Active Military or Dependent?
Please Tell Us About Your Finances
*Amount You Are Requesting
*Your Source of Income
*How Often Are You Paid
*How Much is Your Average Paycheck After Taxes?
*When Was Your Last Pay Date
*When Is Your Next Pay Date
*What Is The Name Of Your Employer or Benefits
*Work Phone: (xxx-xxx-xxxx)
*Total Months at Current Job or Benefits
*How do you receive your Paycheck
IMPORTANT: If your next pay date is less than 7 days away from today's date, please choose your next pay date after today's date. If your next pay date is on a holiday or weekend please pick the date you will receive your paycheck
Where Should We Deposit Your Money?
*Account Type
*Total Months at Bank
*Bank Name
*ABA Number
*Acct. Number
Thank you for choosing us!
Please click on the Submit Application button below so we can process your application. Please be patient and do not RE-CLICK or use the BACKSPACE key.

*I affirm that I am at least 18 years of age and I agree to the Terms of Service & Privacy Policy. I understand that if my application isn’t approved by onlinecashloanz, my application may be shown to additional installment and short-term cash lenders who may provide the same or lower loan amounts.

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OnlineCashLoanz is registered with the Utah Department of Financial Institutions to offer consumer credit services. When you submit your application to us online, it will be processed just as if you had submitted it in person, establishing Utah as the jurisdiction for the negotiation, execution, and fulfillment of all applications and agreements. If your application is approved, the funds will be disbursed from our account in Utah. Please note that Utah’s laws governing consumer loan agreements may differ from those of your home state. It is the applicant’s responsibility to adhere to all statutory requirements related to obtaining internet loans in their state of residence. Please be aware that this service may or may not be available in your specific state, and loans are not offered in the state of Michigan.

The purpose is to meet your short-term borrowing needs, not long-term financial needs. Please note that this is an expensive form of borrowing. The loans and lines of credit may be used for whatever reason you need, like unexpected emergencies, car repairs, medical bills, or travel expenses. In addition, alternative forms of financing like credit card cash advances, personal loans, and home equity lines of credit might be more affordable and better suited to your needs.

OnlineCashLoanz does not perform any credit checks through the three major credit bureaus Experian, Equifax or TransUnion. We collect required information regarding debtors’ creditworthiness from a third party source. Approval time depends on the authenticity and verifiability of your documents. You might be requested to provide further information if required. Note that we do not approve all the loan requests. On the basis of state laws and your repayment ability, the terms and rates may vary. Any loan requested on Friday after 6:00 PM CST will be processed on the next business day, usually Monday- unless it is a holiday.

Should you have any doubts, Monday- Friday: 7:00 AM to 4:30 PM (CST) or email to

*I have read and understand the Terms and Conditions & Privacy Policy of this loan. All loans financed by OnlineCashLoanz